Myno Carbon Pure is a specialized biochar designed to tackle water and soil contamination, offering a sustainable and highly effective solution for environmental remediation. All our biochar products are produced from sustainably sourced, clean wood waste. The feedstock is pyrolyzed at ~900°C, ensuring a carbon content of 85-90%.

MYNO Carbon Pure Granular Biochar

A sustainable and eco-friendly solution for remediation applications, Carbon Pure Granular biochar is exceptional at adsorbing and immobilizing contaminants, due to its porous structure and high surface area, providing long-term stability and effectiveness for your environmental projects.

Applications: detention vaults and infiltration ponds for stormwater, soil remediation, sediment remediation, mine site reclamation

MYNO Carbon Pure Micronized Biochar

Our premium Dry Micronized Carbon Pure is a finely ground biochar, designed to provide even greater surface area and reactivity, making it ideal for a variety of applications in environmental remediation.

Applications: detention vaults and infiltration ponds for stormwater, soil remediation, sediment remediation, mine site reclamation